鈴木 孝美

Takami Suzuki

パステルカラーのお部屋 / 誕生日カード

Pastel room / Birthday card

鈴木 孝美 Takami Suzuki



HP Takami Suzuki Greeting cards



I want to spread the card culture that is able to smooth personal relationships, and enrich people's lives in Japan.



Making imagination into real is not as easy as you imagine.



「Thinking of pop-up system is very much mathematical process.」

お花と風船を持ったくま / ベビーカード

Bear with flower and a balloon / Baby cards

二段のプレゼントと鳥 / 誕生日カード(文字の部分が右に動く)

2 stage presents & a bird / Birthday card


「You need grid sheet when you design the folding system of the card. Otherwise card won't open smoothly or doesn't fold it's pop-up motif properly.」


Various kinds of papers and materials are stocked in her atelier.


Many antique cards collected at flea markets around the world.
She wants her guests to show them at her exhibition sometime soon.


Her books are translated worldwide.

ポットとカップからお化けと黒猫が… / ハロウィーンカード

A spook and a black cat out of the pot & cup / Halloween card


She had published over 20 books about cards. Animated characters’ cards such as Disney and Moomin are popular these days.


Favorite Tools

クリスマスの街並み / クリスマスカード

Christmas Cityscape / Christmas card

Takami Suzuki

Hand made greeting card artist.
Since her first publishing of greeting card book in 2003, she published more than 20 books and some of them are translated in foreign countries.
Website  Takami Suzuki Greeting cards